
Showing posts from September, 2018

Poorly Designed and Well Designed Products


Nike article - Reaction

     It's amazing how sending a single letter to a big corporation can pretty much change your life. John Hoke had great design ideas for Nike shoes and took advantage of them. Once he became older, there he was, working with a huge group of designers to make shoes. I find that his tendency to doodle is very helpful for his designs; the more he doodles, the more designs come to mind, and the more interesting concepts for footwear he can create. It's not just his vision either. Because he works with over 1,000 designers, they all share a similar vision. The fact that they can get so creative and have fun thinking up new ideas for Nike shoes is very inspiring. Even something as silly as a shoe that uses 3-D rendered grass to make it feel like you're always walking on grass is a great idea. In the field of design, anything is possible.

Animal Abduction Tutorial


Rethinking the way we sit down - Reaction

     It's amazing how you can go from the romance of airplanes and designing such things to an interest in designing furniture, mainly office chairs. Niels Diffrient showed a great interest in those wonderful flying machines, but as they changed, he lost that romance and moved into designing furniture. It's quite a feat to spend 8 or 9 years on an office chair, but looking at the many things he had to accommodate for in the creation of said chair is pretty expansive. He had to look into how to properly distribute a person's weight in the chair, as well as their height so they could properly use the headrest and make the chair higher or lower to suit their needs. The recliner is also a very nice feature, which allows whoever sits in that chair to be able to relax while they work. Furthermore, using the idea of gel in the cushions from bicycle seats was a very nice touch, as it allows you to avoid resting your butt or arms on any hard spots. Niels Diffrient, despite showing a

Photoshop Tutorial 1


Photoshop Day 1


"How to Ruin a Great Design" - Reaction

     It's such a shame when designs, even for things like road signs or company logos, fall victim to ruination. They not only become unappealing to look at, but make those who see them scratch their heads and wonder, "What in the world were they thinking?" The article explains some key examples of what not to do when designing something. Taking a look at the first road sign, you're not gonna realize it's a sign for "diverted cyclists" because your attention will be so drawn to the fact that the letter D is so huge and bold that you'll think, "Ah yes, my favorite road sign: the letter D has always been my favorite!" Apparently car logos can't catch a break either. Imagine, if you will, a meeting about how to redesign such a classic and standout logo.          "How are we going to catch the undivided attention of passerby? We need to make this logo really pop! That letter D trick is only the beginning!"      "I think we