"How to Ruin a Great Design" - Reaction

     It's such a shame when designs, even for things like road signs or company logos, fall victim to ruination. They not only become unappealing to look at, but make those who see them scratch their heads and wonder, "What in the world were they thinking?" The article explains some key examples of what not to do when designing something. Taking a look at the first road sign, you're not gonna realize it's a sign for "diverted cyclists" because your attention will be so drawn to the fact that the letter D is so huge and bold that you'll think, "Ah yes, my favorite road sign: the letter D has always been my favorite!" Apparently car logos can't catch a break either. Imagine, if you will, a meeting about how to redesign such a classic and standout logo.
     "How are we going to catch the undivided attention of passerby? We need to make this logo really pop! That letter D trick is only the beginning!"
     "I think we should spruce it up in the best way possible, sir: make it as plain and boring as possible! They'll never expect it!"

     In my opinion, if you're going to go and redesign road signs or logos, you need to really think hard and wrack your brain for the best idea that, while different, will still capture the attention of the public and make them be more aware. You wanna be able to see a car drive by and instantly recognize the company who made it. You want to look at a road sign and say, "There's deer in the area that could be crossing the street! That big, bold deer on that sign warned me so!" When it comes to redesigns, make sure you know what the heck you're doing, and don't try and cut corners with lame and stale designs.


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