
Flower Tutorial


Less Ink Article - Reaction

Reading through the article about a French graphic designer who redesigned famous logos such as those for McDonald's and Starbucks was very enlightening. While the original idea of "Ecobranding" came about from a surprisingly expensive bill, it now serves as a way to not only avoid such expensive costs of creating logos for notable brands, but also as a way to create a better environment by lowering the amount of ink used for these logos. Such logos that we've come to know and love will still be recognizable even with less ink, and I find that this idea may definitely benefit not only businesses, but the environment, too.

face trace aka nightmare fuel


What convicts can teach us about branding - Reaction

     Neil Stansfield's scam of buying non-organic supermarket food and repackaging it as his own was not only manipulative, but also very entertaining for those involved. The designs of the packages were specifically made to catch the eye, and indeed they did. They also managed to catch the money of many people who didn't realize it had been a scam the whole time. Even scam artists have a way with quality design.

Movie Poster


Movie Plot: "Just One Kill"

     "Most slashers are good at their jobs...then there's this guy."       Set in a modern-day New York City, the movie introduces us to the main character, who very much wants to be like every other horror movie slasher, like Ghost Face or Michael Myers. He goes by the name "Plateman" (what he calls his "slasher persona"), and prefers to stay secluded in his small apartment on the far side of the city, studying up on potential killing methods that could make him as great as the others. He's made his own terrifying mask and everything (a paper plate with an angry-looking face drawn crudely onto it)! He even shelled out enough money to get a decently-sized knife! Prepared for a killing spree, he sets out to find his victims. Unfortunately, he's not quite gotten the hang of this whole "slasher" thing, since he immediately slips on a banana peel and falls onto his knife, killing him instantly. You'd think, "well, movie's o