
Showing posts from October, 2018

Movie Poster


Movie Plot: "Just One Kill"

     "Most slashers are good at their jobs...then there's this guy."       Set in a modern-day New York City, the movie introduces us to the main character, who very much wants to be like every other horror movie slasher, like Ghost Face or Michael Myers. He goes by the name "Plateman" (what he calls his "slasher persona"), and prefers to stay secluded in his small apartment on the far side of the city, studying up on potential killing methods that could make him as great as the others. He's made his own terrifying mask and everything (a paper plate with an angry-looking face drawn crudely onto it)! He even shelled out enough money to get a decently-sized knife! Prepared for a killing spree, he sets out to find his victims. Unfortunately, he's not quite gotten the hang of this whole "slasher" thing, since he immediately slips on a banana peel and falls onto his knife, killing him instantly. You'd think, "well, movie's o

Movie Poster Article - Reaction

     Trying to create an aesthetically pleasing poster while at the same time advertising an upcoming film can certainly be a challenge, even to the most experienced graphic designers. The ones who are directing and producing the movie leave the poster designing to the professionals, but said professionals always look for feedback on their creations to make sure it fits the movie's genre. Even teaser posters are quite challenging to create, as they are not meant to reveal too much of the movie they are advertising, as opposed to the final poster.

movie poster


Photoshop Practice


Everyone is altered - Reaction

     It's amazing how much retouching goes into making actors look visually stunning in the film industry nowadays. Even when it's not an actor or actress and it's just some everyday object like a telephone, it has to be retouched and made to look perfect. The fact that we've come so far from just pills and plastic surgery to touching up actors digitally is a pretty long leap.